Geminids Watch on 14th December Observation Report by Jin Peng
Hm…Anyone miss the Geminids on the 14th Dec? Skies seem super clear at certain point of time in the night and good weather. Just recall I kena own in Ubin last year – with the record high in amount of rainfall last dec. So I take my 5inch refractor with the potra mount and went CCK mrt station meet up mooey. We are like carrying so many bags and people started to look at our stuff on the train. So we alight at Tenah Merah station and transfer to bus 2 to Changi Village.
Had dinner at Changi Market, Chicken rice for only $2 and can eat till so full, not a bad deal. Then moved over to Changi beach to meet up RJC, RGS, BPGH people. At around 9plus, the sky was good, clear! So I start to setup my 5inch with the potra mount, While mooey happily unpack a foldable chair (which he enjoy alot) and take out a binoculars and start sweeping the sky. (Below picture: The 120f/5 refractor)

Spotted Cassiopeia, and quickly find the double cluster. M31 was hinder by the tree, damn! Then see a bright patch at Taurus, M45, the seven sisters, look nice with 40mm eyepiece.Quite a magnificent sight. (Below picture: TeckLim looking at M45)

I tried to find NGC 457, also know as the dragonfly cluster and some Ang Mo call it owl cluster. Spend some time finding it, and realise high clouds are coming in… give up! (Below picture: RGS girls posting...)

Next challenge was find M34 as Perseus is nearly cover by trees (maybe I setup too inside). Nevertheless we managed to find it. Thourgh 7x50 finder, you can see a grainy patch, very fade. At 40mm you can see stars very spread out, quite even and there is one very distinct orange colour star. Many times got fool by the rich star field in the area, thought is M34 but is was not. (Below picture: RJ people lying down)

Soon all people get so engross with the meteors and all start lay down viewing, so while entertain them, we find M42 - Great orion neb. a fuzzy patch was seen, M78, M37 and M38 at Auriga, that day left out M36, ops! M37 look like got a lot of loose stars, fairly bright and the centre are much brighter, abit hazy look. Some people ask me find M1, I just show them my hp M1 plan can already. Ultimate sia, ask me find M1 in Singapore! (Below picture: Jin Peng doing some decent observation)
Then I start to spilt a multiple star system in Sigma Orionis, just bottom of the belt of Orion. Very bright stars, can see at least, A,B, C, D and my eye just cant find the E. Some can tell me see F, that answer make the area so smoky… Then some finally tecklim and ah heng from RP came. So I take a break, while mooey start setup its new toy, is pink in colour! 4 inch china made scope! And while he fitting the finder, it drop on the sandy ground. OWNAGE! Finder have not yet had its first star light, but first fall. (Below Picture: Mooey and his pink scope)
Soon I entertain myself and find M35, as Gemini is rising… more meteors and fireball seen… All the woo…ahhh… At a glance I thought M35 are large, rich in stars, while eyepiece is stars…
M41 was next. Located in canis major, this is one of the easier to find open cluster for the winter skies. In the finder you can see the obvious lumpy patch. There is a reddish-orange star in it.
Mars was in the area too. I took a look at the disk. Getting brighter since last week, i guess opposition would make a very nice view.
I noticed lepus was pretty obvious, So I try find m79. M79 is one of the very few gobular cluster available in this season. I have no idea why but I say I cant find it, then mooey say “I saw it in the binoculars.” Kena own… Took me quite a while to find it as it's pretty small. A 12.5mm was used. It appears very round with a core bright enough to notice it. Very fuzzy small ball.
Then wanted to find NGC 2362 but lazy, see mooey got chair to sit, tempting sia… I want to own one chair too! So then spotted PJC peeps, so go around entertain them, and another side there is a group of people, thought is astro peeps too, so when there and discover is a group of students not from any astro clubs, youths from the public came in a group of 7-8, came and enjoy the meteors. So invite them to join us and have a mini interaction, mingle with them and show them mars, Saturn was up too, nice disk. (Below picture: Venus shine brightly before sunrise)

Somehow, not much has been seen and lots of time had passed. Before the sunrise, we see the bright Venus, and mooey ask me to take a look at a galaxy, seriously forget the name but amazing.
Then tata, photo taking time and all dismiss by around seven plus. Then mooey, tecklim and ah heng and I waited… the PST! Yes, solar ob time… and the sun finally rise after some waiting. See the sun sprew out something at 5o’clock of the view of the sun… not bad, but getting very tired, we decided to leave. (Below picture: Yew Tee from NP viewing the sun through the PST)

Below are the group photos. Thanks to RJ ppl taking the group pics.