Saturday, January 26, 2008
ASTROGAZER NIGHT Event Report by Jin Peng
Organized by Woodlands Zone 11 Resident Committee
Report from the yesterday gathering on the 25th January 2008. An event organized by Woodlands Zone 11 Resident Committee, Ridhwan. Few of us came to help out... Ngee Ann Astro peeps(yubin, nick and 2 guys), Ah heng from Republic Poly, me… ,Carole and a young boy with its own scope =x
Picture below: Clear Sky during evening 6pm outside my window!
Meet ah heng at my house bus stop at around 645pm to help me with my laptop and some stuff to carry, while bagging the 5inch refractor. We slowly make our way there, my block is like a few blocks away from the RCs. So when we reach, is still very early, 7pm. So we meet Ridhwan and have a chit chat. He show us the fitness corner which he intend to hold the telescope viewing. But it was brightly lited with the street lamp….
So decided to cross the road and go to my usual observation place, a big piece of field with totally no obstruction in the east, u can get around 160 degree view of the sky. The west is block with HDB. It is directly opposite of the fitness corner...
Carole came around 740pm with a boy with its own Celestron Newtonian…
Picture Below: Interaction with the residents, There are 3 scope for viewing!

Around 8pm, public started to come and ngee ann astro peeps arrived. The mingle session with the public is good and many children are excited about peeping through the telescope. The objects that the public look through the scope – Pleiades, Mars, Orion Nebula, Hyades, M41 and the children love looking at Sirius. It look like a diamond to them… Ridhwan also provide us with food and drinks, thanks a lot Ridhwan! Yummy Chicken burger and cooling syrup drinks.
By the time around 930pm, most of the public went home. Left with a few youths mingle around and chit chat. It was already close to 1030pm, the ngee ann peeps and carole and the boy pack up and head home… I, ah heng and Ridhwan thinking to stay longer to ob abit more… So we see the moon, and we were like busy taking pictures of it using the scope. Before the moon rise higher, I clear NGC 2362 and M35.
Since there was nothing much for us to do, we settle down and chit chat. It was roughly 1plus before we pack and go, we clear the southern Pleiades and Jewel Box. The only time u get to see 3 cross, the false cross, the southern cross and in between, and imaginary cross that the southern Pleiades is located. So 3 “cross” , not bad! And we also spotted a fireball in the south, across the crux. “The sky is falling!” Overall the skies is clear, other then a little light pollution from the street lights and the moon…
Is a successful event, thanks to Ridhwan for organising it. Enjoy alot =D
posted at 2:17 AM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
To all astronomers, wish you a...
posted at 11:24 PM